Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
An update after yellow fuse in Lampi Pacific for 30 hours.  Definitely can hear a difference.  The tonality is more pronounced and I am hearing more detail even at lower volume levels.  Tomorrow I add the yellow to my Pre-amp followed by my mono's on Friday.  
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Go to a forum where the heavy hitters of this audio industry are, like Nelson Pass John Curl etc etc etc at diyaudio.com and see what happens to fusers over there.
Yup, I've seen that and been there.  These types of forums are primarily engineers which mostly have the mentality "if you can't measure it, it doesn't exist".  Such an old argument, both in that forum and this forum where people just fail to realize that this is a limited way of thinking.

Really, you know more than those guys

Like Nelson Pass John Curl etc etc etc at diyaudio.com
See what happens to you over there with your fuser spiel, you got it soft here with the like of me and others.
History is littered with “experts” who said “That’s impossible, can't be done!”…until someone did.