Question about amplifiers

Greetings, my first post here. Long time pseudo audiophile. Currently I have 3 pairs of Martin Logan speakers, surrounds, and cinema center. I came across an unbelievable deal for a perfect pair of Kef 105/2. No problems with drivers, rustiness teak cabinets ( wife likes those!!!) and both pairs of dust overs. Listened to them all day Friday and they were as I remembered them. I first heared this speaker back in my college days and couldn’t begin to afford them. 
  My question is, I am currently driving them with a Rotel amp ( 130 wpc). I also have a vintage Adcom gfa 555 (white case, rare, have full set). Local dealer recommended to sell the adcom and buy something newer. I’m not in the really expensive category ( my wife doesn’t understand), and my old ears don’t work like they used to. So, sell and upgrade? Keep and listen to all my assorted speakers? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.


Have ml aurius 1, cinema center ( 1st model), motion 4, smaller motion surround, latest model clarity, newest addition Kef 105/2, perfect condition. Also early accoustat spectra 1100 ( still works!!), and a pair of Kef 101 wannabes, Ariston monitors with stands. Now I know why my wife thinks I’m nuts!!! 
  In answer to the previous post. Yes mostly 5.1 in the evenings with my wife. Movies and several tv shows that she likes. I get the audio during the day while she works. Can’t get to loud or she lets me know!!! Looks like a reasonable pair of headphones is in the future. Also I’m a gamer, 60 + years old and I still enjoy it. Explosions are great on the system.  
  Anyway, I got lots more goodies in other equipment. Thanks for the reply.

I bought a Class D Audio GaN amplifier to use for multi-channel listening, so I won't put so many hours on my 3C24 tube amp, which is outstanding.

The Class D sounds almost as good, and was not very expensive. Maybe have a  look at them.



Thanks for the advice on class d amps. Found a great deal on a crown amp ( I know). The price was great, reviews were ok, power is there, and if I don’t like it , I can send it back. If it sound awful, back it goes.  Then I’ll save for something better. My dream is a krell or threshold, but their mega bucks. Thanks all for the advice. I’ll keep you posted.

Greetings all. The class d amp suggestion was right on the money. I installed the crown xli 1500 yesterday. Wow!!!  Got distracted for 3 hours listening. The upper highs are remarkable, the bottom end is tight. It really brought life back to these 40+ year old speakers. Can’t wait to hear it with the Martin Logan’s.

  Even my wife could hear the difference ( and she is partially deaf) . She said after comparison “the new amp sounds a lot better”  Amazing!!!

  I’ll be be playing it more to “ burn it in” and hope there are no changes. 

   As a note, in this time of great uncertainty something that can bring a smile and please the ears is worth every penny. Thanks  for the suggestion. Now I want a better class d amp( in the future, gotta please the wife). 

I can’t imagine two more different sounding speakers than martin Logan and kef r 105/2. If the kefs don’t sound dull in comparison why mess with it