Question About NORDOST cables

I got a pair of Red Dawn II speaker cables. I was really impressed by these cable; the speed, dynamics, vocals - it's transformed the sound of my system. unfortunately not all is good; the bass suffered from a major roll off, and to make matter worse it's also lost its definition. really bad.

if it wasn't for the bass I'd hit the jack pot with these cables. I really like what's done to the system. in fact, I just got a pair of Heimdall's IC's. there's a general improvement, and the bass has also improved a little, but I feel like there's some kind of imbalance between vocals and other instruments.

the Red Dawn has to go. that's clear.

what I'm not sure of is whether I should stay with Nordost, and upgrade to the Heimdall's speaker cables, or move to something else. I'd really like to get the Siltech 330L, but is out of my budget atm. I can get the Heimdall now, or wait until have enough funds for the 330L's.

I really could with some other opinions/thoughts on the matter.
many thanks,


speakers: Paradigm S1v3(P-Be)
1350 is for bi-wire. I asked for a single run pair.

now you got me worried, since I did this over the phone, and English is not my first language. but I'm pretty sure this is what I ordered. will have to wait till Monday to clarify this.
Ok I'll try this again. I guess the mods didn't like what I said I guess regarding e-mailing members. Anyhow 675 is half of 1350 so unfortunately I think you may be getting a single cable. Nordost refers to non bi-wired as shotgun. Even at 1350 that is a great price for Frey's. Personally I think the ic is just as important as the speaker cable IF your equipment is up to it. Again the Frey is better but you do have to 'squint' to hear it. In my opinion again if you have cr@ppy equipment high end cables will only bring out the flaws. Where with higher end equipment great cables will let you hear things you didn't know were there. At least that's what I've learned.
Xti16, omg you are indeed correct. I cannot believe they were sending a single cable!

I genuinely thought that bi-wire involved twice as many cables - instead of one cable being split in two at the speaker end. that's not something I would opt for. luckily it wasn't shipped yet, so I'm getting a pair (as in two runs)of Heimdall's shotgun instead.

I'm sorry everyone for the confusion. thanks for the comments, you saved me a lot of trouble.
I'm sure the Heimdall will sound great.

When I can find a set of Frey for $700 I'm gonna buy em, that's for sure.

Enjoy! Post back with what you think of the new cables.