Questions on Totem Hawks & Von Schweikert VR2

Hi. I am intersted in upgrading my current Vandersteen 1C speakers to a full-sized speaker that more closely matches my musical tastes (rock of all kinds, trip hop). My budget is around the $1500 mark used, and I am very happy with my current amp (Sim Audio I-5) and source (Sim Audio Nova), so I don't want to change them; I'm only considering changing my speakers.

I've done a lot of research here and elsewhere. Based on what I have read, I have narrowed my list to two speakers that I feel would be a good match for my system and my music: Totem Hawk & Von Schweikert VR2.

My living room is 22'x14'x8', but the listening area is more like 14'x14'. Other considerations include having to place the speakers no more than 18" from the long wall, the presence of small kids (ages 7 & 4), and that I live in an apartment. I don't generally blast my music, but do listen to "lively" music, so I want more "punch." I am still pleased with my Vandy's, but think that I can do better match-wise.

My concern with the Hawks relate to ease of being driven by the I-5's 70 wpc (I've read mixed things here), and my concern with the VR2s is the apparent need for them to be placed 2-3 feet from the wall (not possible for me). I am not interested in bookshelf speakers, and my reading has led me to these two speakers because of perceived quality, match with my music/equipment, size (smaller compared to my vandy's), value/price, and sonic characteristics. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, - Steve
The Hawks are fantastic little speakers. I have not heard the VR-2 but have lived with the VR-1 and own the VR-4's. I would stick with the Totems, I also own the forests and my friend owns the Hawks. I think the Hawks have some magic to them that the forest don't quite have but they are close. My concern with the Hawks however is that they will not play at the levels the forest will and your talking about a moderate size room with rock and hip-hop. With the music you listen to I would try to pick up a pair of forest or a used pair. If you think the volume is not a issue go with the Hawks. Good luck!
I have a pair of Hawks in a room approximately your same size with the speakers about 18" out from the back wall. My listening area is actually a bit far from the speakers (around 15'). Despite the less than ideal listening set up, the Hawks still impress me with their large holographic soundstage. Though they have good bass for their size, I wouldn't call them full-range. You eventually may want to augment with a sub for bass-heavy music like trip hop.
I own the VR2s, for the best soundstaging and to accomodate the rear firing ambient sound tweeter, I do have them pulled out from the wall about 2 feet. They are very very good speakers for the money good WAF as well. You can get them from a great Agon dealer "Quest for Sound", I would give him a call (trust me you would be happy you did). They don't sound bad without all that space behind them if your not looking for finest detail. My concern is that they are not really "headbanger" speakers, but coming from little vandys they may do the trick with double 6.5 woofers. The totems I have heard are widely variable in terms of a house sound. Some have a lot of definition and presence others sound dead to me. I don't know if the Hawks fall into the flatter sounding group. I agree that volume is key here.