Questions re:  GaNfet technology vs other designs.

How do the newer GaNfet technology amps compare to the HYPEX NC400, HYPEX NC500, HYPEX 1200 and PURIF Audio designed amps in terms of sound quality? And also how do these GaNfet technology based amps compare to class A and class A/B amps for sound quality?

It seems several companies are offering GaNfet Amps. For example, please the Orchard Audio Starkrimson 150w gan amplifier and the Atma-sphere Class D power amplifier (and several others).

GaNfet is claimed to provide excellent sound quality. Several class D mono blocks offer great sound as various reviewers have reported. I noticed there are several GaNfet technologies power amps available but not many integrated amps. I wonder why. 

Maybe the better question is GaNfet Amps really for prime time? Your comments on GaNfet Amps are requested. thanks....


I am currently running a tour of the Starkrimson Stereo Ultra on the Steve Hoffman forum. If you are interested you may join that forum and join the tour.


Leo, thanks for the link to the thread over on SH.  You have to be really brave, or pretty sure you have a great product to put it out on a public tour with no oversight as to what will be said about it....and obviously, lots of people are loving it.

A couple questions...did you have a design objective with respect to 2nd/3rd harmonic distortion or were you just going for the lowest overall distortion and then final tweaked for sound.

Congrats on the reviews and continued success!


The design goal for all my products including this amp is to be as neutral and transparent as possible (flat wire with gain ideology) which I believe is achieved and reviewers seem to agree.