Quick and free fuse tweak

I read about this once but tonight I tried it and was very impressed with the result. More pling from piano, more thwak from slapped acoustic bass, increased detail and space around performers.

Wrap a short piece of cream-colored masking tape once around the glass portion of a regular AC power fuse making sure not to touch the metal caps. I left a millimeter gap.
I know several Pass equipment owners who will not go back to using a standard fuse, based on listening, not on measurements. 
Hell9 here is the facts just look at steel the Buzz fuse conductor 
vs Silver or Copper ,steel has 6X the resistance a Huge bottleneck .not only audible give the fuse 75 hours to fully settle in but for sure measurable.
the facts are in the details . My self and others in our Audio group did blind testing several times and when the majority of fuses were replaced ,play x amount of songs ,then stock fuses ,the 4-6 listeners picked the high end fuses Every time .
A question please
Has anyone tried Teflon plumbers tape multi wrapped around the glass part of the fuse?
Could be another suitable material
Also unlike masking tape, it will not dry out, harden and lose its adhesive properties over lime.
