Quick poll How long have you been in this hobby?

I can already here answers like ''much too long'' ! So, how long in number of years, (or months!) ?
41 years and 2 months! January 1969 when I bought my first system . Funny I can remember that like it was yesterday. But everything in between then and what I own now would overload the grey matter thats left between my ears!(presuming there was some to begin with!) Cheers
Aye now I started dis years ago when I was a weeee laddy.
And one would tink I would have me grip on it by now wouldn'cha.
In 1978 I assembled my first "high end" system. It consisted of an AR XA turntable, Stanton cartridge, Sony VFET integrated amplifier, and a pair of JBL studio monitors-I forget the model number. I paid absolutely no attention to cable quality. Despite the pedigree or lack thereof my dorm room rocked!