"break-in" period? . . . how to

Maybe an easy question for you but need to ask: if I have a new product and want to pass the "break-in" period fast, I have to rum the unit (amp, preamp, or any other) 24/7 until the expected time passes but...if is a new preamp is it neccesary to connect it to an amp?, and if its an amp, must be connect it to the speakers? volume almost oof or higher?, what I dont know if the information must flow to the next step in the chain or just to be proceessed in the same unit? Silly question but not clear in my mind.
Thanks in advance.
if the sounds crummy, its not going to sound much better after a break in. the difference in sound will be sutl.
hi jaybo, i have found components which sound worse after break-in. i preferred the musical fidelity a5 before it had 200 hours on it. there have been cables which i preferred with no break-in. there is no way to predict the degree of change in the sound of a component as a function of the number of hours in use.
The worst before item, I can remember was a pair of brand new silver speaker wires.It took 7 long 24/7 days before they sounded good.(Unlike Jaybo's experience)--There was just about zero bass for the first 3/4 days. Well I guess between the product and or the listner; it depends,huh??
You can burn-in a preamp all by itself. Does not have to be connected to anything, although doing so might help a little. Sometimes delivering a little bit of output power (even if into a 47k resistor) works the output stage better than a no-load.

More info on voltage- and current-mode burn-in found in the FryBaby manual.
