"Giant Killer" The things legends are made of.

There is no way that I will ever be able to be cutting edge in this hobby. But there are some "timeless" pieces of gear that will stand the test of time for years to come.
What are the giant slayers that you have had. Help me please separate the myth from legends.
Like good music, is there any gear that will live forever?
3ox, with utmost respect, I haven't heard any 50 year old component (including the quads) that can hold a candle to today's designs. Amazing sound for what they were when built - yes. Besting technologically advanced components of today - no. I believe they are an excellent choice for nostalgia listening, but suffer in terms of absolute quality of sound reproduction that is possible today.
Well, respect right back, but there is nothing nostalgic about my assesment of the Quads. They still make the majority of speakers today sound deficient in the midband. Not to say that it isn't possible to better them, just that so few do! Most of the technological improvements today seem to me to be applied to making speakers cheaper, more profitable, smaller or more visually appealing.

If you want a shock, compare the test results from Stereophile and from the Soundstage! site (NRC measurements) to the measurements of the best of the speakers available in the late '70's/early eighties (found in publications like HI-FI news from England and Audio magazine in the US). Especially in the area of Harmonic Distortion above 100 Hz, there has been only modest improvement in these measurements in the last 25 years.

The AVERAGE speaker is better today than the average speaker from the 80's due to the influence of available computer simulations etc., but the best of the stuff form those days holds up remarkably well. Frankly, I would think that with all the alleged advantages of technology even average moderately priced speakers today should just massacre even the best speakers from the 70's/80's. But using either "objective" measurements or just one's two ears, this does not seem to have happened in my view.

As to the LFT 8's, I had a pair and thought they were quite good. Certainly the bass extends deeper that the Quads and the treble is more extended (for better or worse sometimes). And the taller soundstage, while probably not correct technically, is very appealing. But, at least going by my memory, the very good mids of the LFT 8's are bested by the legendary Quads. Of course, the LFT's are currently available new and are quite reasonably priced in the world of what's available these days. I can certainly understand prefering the ET's overall for their balance of attributes. But for midband performance the Quads not only hold a candle, they light the way.

I just stumbled accross this post and find it interesting. There is a lot of good advice above. Some of the best sounding systems I have heard have been simple ones. You can assemble a "STELLAR" system here on Audiogon for not a lot of Coin that will stand the test of time.

Find a pair of speakers that will meet your room needs and listening tastes and build the rest of your system around them. Amp, Source, and Cables and you are done. It is really not that hard unless you are always wanting to try new gear like me. Really surprised I am still married.. HAHA!

Good Luck!

Oh you want timeless classics? That thread has been done before several times on this forum, check the archives if they still exist.

But so far as a giant killer goes I also concur with the JVC 1050 cdp. The laser mechanism on mine went several months back so I ended up trying a Sony DVD 9000 in the interim. The Sony was smoother with better bass and greater resolution. So I should like it better right? I wish. The Sony just sounded, what's the word I'm looking for? Audiophile, yeah that's it and in addition it doesn't play CD-r, just another strike.

So I decided to find another JVC and did and am waiting for delivery. Man I'll tell you for 200.00 used I do not believe there is anything better for a transport. At least I haven't heard it. Sorry for the long post but I truly believe there is something intrinsically right about this unit, dynamic and a product that involves me in listening to music and not the system. This is regardless of the system I've heard it in. It offers something indefinable, something I've never heard in any Sony product regardless of price. This design is about 15 years old btw which makes it ancient in the digital world but it is special.

Vandersteen 2 series has not been slain by any speaker in its price range that I've heard. Of course this is an issue of preference but the Steens still fare well against their competition. The Maggies too are great but offer a different set of priorities, but not necessarily better, sorry Douglas. Ah, yes, the midrange of Quad speakers at 50 years old still embarass the vast majority of speakers out there, like 99% ;^)

In the true hi-end cost no object sweepstakes I've stated before and will again that I haven't heard any amp best the Berning ZH-270 in a given application. It does everything right. After owning this amp for over 3 years and comparing it against many other amps in different systems I believe this to be true. To really understand how great it is is to hear it in an optimally set-up system, this amp will go down as the next step beyond the Futterman design in tube amplification for all it offers. Ah, the best sign to me is still being as excited as the day I first heard it.
The Wright Sound Company WPL20 preamp is of this ilk. It plays music with a truthfulness that eludes many of the most ambitious and expensive designs out there. It can be had for a song (~$1450) and is better than several I've heard at greater than seven times the price.