"Used"Revel F-30 or AP's Virgo II: Better Value?

Want opinions on what is the better value in used speakers.Audio Physic's Virgo II's or Revel 30's. The Virgo's when "current" were about $4495; Revel F-30's are $3500 at retail. Both can be had on the "used" market for between $2200-$2700. Need opinions about "overall"(especially, bass response, imaging) performance and "potential" of both speakers. By "potential", I mean ability to keep sounding better with reasonable upgrades. Thank you, SJ
The Virgos are wonderful and much more coherent than the Revel's. I feel like their bass response will much better suit your size room as the f30's already have a tendancy to boom and have trouble integrating the bass with the othe drivers and plus their ugly....
You're probably right about the Revel's abundant bass being tougher to tame, esp in a bad room. But your comment about their ugliness gave me a smile: I was about to buy them when my wife gave me the nix: "too California cartoonish!"
So I had to pony up for demure-looking Parsifal Encores for nearly 3 times as much! The Revel's VERY coherent from the mids on up, though. VERY tightly engineered, too....
OOOhh but the Parsifals are so nice, you really made out. I need to start bringing some ugly stuff home and see if I can end up with Parsifals too.
please go for VirgoII!! but listen them for yourself.
I listen to Revel in an audio store with ML top gears and never impress me. Revel do sound like "hi fi" but never touch me. Virgo is so music and natural. listen before buying them. Virgo wont let you down.
