"Warm" sounding digital interconncect

Hi folks, I'm selling my Purist Audio Design Dominus AES/EBU digital cable because I think it has less PRaT and sounds less lively (too laid back for my taste) than the Wireworld Gold Starlight SPDIF digital cable. I know, the Wireworld is much cheaper than the PAD, but I like it more. I wonder if you know another digital interconnect that has plenty of PRaT and sounds warm and full throughout the midrange? To me a bit too forward is better than too laid back sound as I'm getting sleepy with a too laid back sound presentation.

Virtual Dynamics Master sounds very lively and at the same time it is not bright at all. NightII is smooth sounding if you want to tame the highs but it doesn't have the same level of detail retreival as the Master. Soundstage is about the same size with both, but NightII is more laid back. I think you may like the Master though. I liked it a lot with the Bel Canto DAC2 and was very impressed with how this dac sounded with the Master digital interconnect. I actually heard some things on few recordings for the first time with that cable. But I udecided to go single-box player route, so I am not using this cable anymore. Good luck.
Thank you all for your input. As stated, I'm using the Wireworld Gold Eclipse currently, but I'll try another digital interconnect in due time.

what is your impression of the wireworld ?

in reading your comments it would seem the purist is too laid back and the wireworld is too forward...and you are looking for something right in between...

is there any preference in regards to musicality between the 2 ?
Mike, in my opinion the PAD is a bit too laid back, while the Wireworld has a more lively and less laid back presentation. It is not too forward. My analog rig sounds more forward than the digital rig, including the Wireworld. If there is an interconnect that sounds more upfront than the Wireworld, I might give it a try.
