Rain-X as CD Enhancement Treatment

I have used the Auric Illuminator treatment on my CD collection for several years now. I am a believer in the AI, and repeated A/B tests of identical treated/untreated CDs bore out significant improvements after treatment with AI.

I ran out of the fluid and my marker dried out, so I was searching for mew treatments on the market before buying another AI kit or choosing something new. That's when I ran across this article by Greg Weaver at Soundstage, where he talks about having used Rain-X and a green marker(Staedtler Lumocolor 357, price about $3.00) as a treatment on his CDs to great effect.


Being the complete geek that I am, I had to try it for my self. I found the marker at Office Depot, and picked up a little bottle of Rain-X for $2.99. I treated a couple of CDs that I have ended up with duplicate copies of (Grant Green's Green Street, Frank Sinatra Sextet Live In Paris)and tested the Rain-X/marker treated vs. untreated disks.

Well, low and behold, the treated disks sounded notably improved; the music was clearer and louder, especially the midrange, the soundstage was larger with better definition and separation of instruments and the bass was tighter and deeper.

I can't say that the Rain-X treatment was or was not better sounding than the AI, but at the least very it is close, for a fraction of the price.

Has anyone else ever tried the Rain-X treatment?
Shadorne, I think what you have said evidences your not being a scientist. If you are, you have little experience in the development of early ventures into research in an area. Also, you seem woefully unaware of validity issues in operationalizing concepts and variables. I strongly suggest you read the Ghost Map about the cholera outbreak in London. You will see where a hidebound, unfounded commitment to an explanation or theory can dampen our understanding of nature.

Ok so you are on the science high horse.

Well you are absolutely right on. I plead guilty as charged to willfully dampening our understanding of the nature of Rain X and CD treatment.

What about you? Are you going to do something about it? Why not get some grad students to perform a Double Blind study and write an AES paper? Why hasn't AES published something already? Or is this like paranormal stuff...it doesn't work under rigorous test conditions?
Tbg...."Zero errors" means exactly that. The copied digital file is an exact duplicate of the original.

Science is sometimes proven wrong when it extends into new areas. Not often, but frequently enough to provide ammunition for debates like this. There is no reason to abandon science in areas that are well understood. You can't argue against Ohm's law, for example.

You might enjoy a book I read once "The Big Bang Never Happened". As you know the Big Bang cosmological theory is almost universally accepted, but the alternative, continuous creation is convincingly set forth in this book. The first chapter, which you would most enjoy, describes all the "firmly established" scientific theories that have proven wrong. Of course, creation of the universe is an example of an area where you might expect science to be on shaky ground. But do you really think it possible that the earth is supported by four elephants standing on the back of a tortoise?
Eldartford, I read and enjoyed it. I love examples of science getting committed to an idea and resisting change until the data overwhelm it. It is slow but that is the strength of good science.

Ohms law is very useful, but all science is based on tentatively accepted hypotheses and theories that put them together with explanations.

I find myself in an unusual position in this thread as I really found Rain-X to have little benefit. I do know, however, that there are benefits to be had demagnetizing a cd. I guess it is merely removing static electricity, but even that seems a poor explanation for why this happens.

If "zero errors" mean that the copy exactly reflects the original, I have indeed seen two zero error copies one done without the Millennium cd mat and one with sound quite different. I don't find this true relative to cleaned or treated discs.
I just tried and it works. Those that had doubt but with an open minded, please give it a try.

Well, right from the beginning of this, and any, A/B test, I knew it'd be a long night for me; I'm an skeptical guy. Anyways,I'm not going to post how I did it in details because it's going to be long and probably boring to readers. In short version, I:
1/ Played 2 movies and 1 music concert to insure system is all warmed up.
2/ Do trick and train my brain. It's for psychology purpose.
3/ Applied about 10 to 15 drops of Rain-X disc then gently buffed it off from center outward; not in circular motion. Since I have 2 identical and ORIGINAL CD's from Enya. I used 1 for the treatment and used one untreated for reference.

First, I noticed that in mid high, about 1K -5Khz was a little distored for the TREATED disc. It sounded artificial but after about 30 seconds, that seemed to disappear. Biggest improve was the contrast. I could actually hear more "silent". Intruments were slightly in clearer picture. Some purcusions instrument were more easily identified. Another word, I got sucked in the music more than the UNTREATED one. Dynamic was a bit improved, meaning it was slightly louder.
On the Untreated disc, music was seem to stick and run over lap each other. Like a little hazed or glass put in front between me and the stage.It was almost like to compare a Cassette tape to a CD. Well, not to be exact but it was a good happy ending. My hat is now off for those been hanging on this forum trying to convince others.

I'm really glad I did this. I have lots of red book CDs so it's not too difficult to guess what I'm about to do with them now..... Happy listening.