RCA interconnect recommendation

Would like recommendations for interconnects for both analog and digital side to an integrated Rogue Cronus amp from a Nottingham/EAR 834P on one side and an Antelope Zodiac DAC on the other side. What should I be looking at and what kind of budget should I set. I'm thinking up to $500  for a pair but have no idea. Thanks for all advice.

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I use Reality Cabkes ( SE/RCA ) Reference line. 400.00 - 30 day trial period. They are a permanent chain in my set up! 

Good luck! 

I recently started using pure Teflon coat hangers coated in astroglide as speaker cables. They sound so good. 

Well I couldn't find any teflon coat hangers or astroglide so I bought a pair of Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II cables this morning
Thanks @audiophile1