Re-terminate a Nordost SPM reference interconnect

Hi, my name is Andrea, live in Venice, Italy.
I necessity to re-terminate a pair of Nordost SPM ref. interconnect 3 m.. Is difficult or easy?
If you have a good piece of advice..........
Please let me know.
Thank you.
From my experience Nordost is the worst cable imaginable to reterminate esp. soldering. Even dealers have been known to make a hash of it. Best advice is to get it back to Nordost.
Nordost charges an arm and a leg to reterminate their cables. However, they swear that they are the only ones who can do it and not have any signal loss. Heh heh...

Yes, and Nordost charges $80 PER TERMINATION! You will probably be better off swapping it for a correctly-terminated pair. (PS I'm in need of a SINGLE 3m and SINGLE 6m XLR, if your 3m is balanced).
Buono Anno (sp?).