Thanks for the respones thus far, I appreciate it. My feeling was, as Sean and Kotta have eluded to, is they would likely work marginally. Viridian feels it just would not work, and I can understand this point of view as well. I must confess something. Right now I am in the middle of burning in a new pair the Meadowlark Swallows, their monitor version of the Swift and I just love them. I was torn greatly between these two speakers before deciding to go with the Swallow, so the S 3/5 has been in the back of my mind even though the Swallow's are superb. After reading so much about the S 3/5 and their midrange who wouldn't be dying to hear this speaker?
I had hoped to perhaps one day find a pair of the S 3/5 used and compare it to the Swallow and make a decision thereafter. But in time and through much research I began to realize that in all reality the S3/5 just might not work well in my situation. I thought I might pose the question to see if my thinking was right.
The Swallow's are fantastic by the way, what with their 1st order design, T-line and all, they have midrange magic as well. Definitely a versitile speaker, they are quick and have excellent attack, they can do all kinds of music too. Smooth and non-fatiguing and man do they disappear into a huge stage. I'd recommend them to anyone who likes the Harbeth-Spendor-Reynaud realm of sound. I once owned the Reynaud Twins. Maybe someday I'll give the Spendor's a try, for now though I think you guys have helped put my mind a ease a bit. Thanks.
I had hoped to perhaps one day find a pair of the S 3/5 used and compare it to the Swallow and make a decision thereafter. But in time and through much research I began to realize that in all reality the S3/5 just might not work well in my situation. I thought I might pose the question to see if my thinking was right.
The Swallow's are fantastic by the way, what with their 1st order design, T-line and all, they have midrange magic as well. Definitely a versitile speaker, they are quick and have excellent attack, they can do all kinds of music too. Smooth and non-fatiguing and man do they disappear into a huge stage. I'd recommend them to anyone who likes the Harbeth-Spendor-Reynaud realm of sound. I once owned the Reynaud Twins. Maybe someday I'll give the Spendor's a try, for now though I think you guys have helped put my mind a ease a bit. Thanks.