Received your Magnepan 30.7’s Yet

Have you received your Magnepan 30.7’s yet?  Supposedly they are shipping now.  Would love to hear your thoughts on the new Flagship speaker.

Stickman, I don't know anyone who has a pair or how many they've shipped, but I know they're shipping now. Wendell asked me to pass along a message and some pictures on the Planar Asylum. He writes,

"Another 30.7 was shipped today, and three more pairs are being packed to ship out soon. We have been super-cautious and would not allow the pressure to hurry us. A mistake on a flagship is remembered long after delays in delivery.

"We were gone virtually all of July and August, so we are ahead of schedule on the North American tour. Forty-two demonstrations so far with 42 different sounds. Great sound was only achieved about 20% of the time. But, the attendees had a lot of fun. Most people recognized the shortcomings of their dealer's showroom.

"A special thanks to Wazoo for giving accurate context in Macon, Georgia. It is a HUGE space with poor acoustics. Leland Lee (the owner) regrets that he no longer has the old store. To survive, many dealers have had to move to less than ideal facilities. I saw it repeatedly--the world's best speakers can't fix so-so sound rooms. And diffusers are one of the best investments in audio gear.

"Many hundreds of attendees have heard the 30.7s. Only a tiny handful care to participate in chat rooms. I wish more attendees would speak up so it was more representative."

I'm sure he'll be delighted by rugyboogie's post. Can't wait to hear them myself, though even if I had $30,000 in my piggy bank, they wouldn't work in my pathetically small listening room because I have to accommodate a projector...
I am a maggi fan, own 20.7 which replaced Wilson WP7. I demoed the 3.7s and ordered the 20’s unheard. The Maggi's have a unique depth and breadth to them. A stage illusion vs the narrow cone of the wilsons in my room. I recently heard the 30.7 in Atlanta at HiFi buys. The 30.7 are better than the 20.7 in all respects. I would be tempted if my room was wider than 11.5 feet. And yes the 20.7 sound very good in my narrow room. 
Johnathan Valin has a pair on extended loan at TAS.  I would think you would want to take care of the paying customers first instead of Valin who won't be buying them.