Receiver Upgrade - Denon vs. Rotel

I currently have a set of Paradigm Reference Speakers. Studio 60's v.2 (front), Studio CC (center) and Studio 20's v.2 (rear).

I have used a Sony receiver 444ES for a couple of years, and now would like to upgrade to something a little better.

First I had in mind the Denon AVR-3806. Then I spoke with a friend which told me to look into Rotel's RSX-1056.

To be honest, I also looked into spending a little more and go with the following setup: Rotel's RSP-1068 + RMB-1077.

The bottom line is that I am confused. Is the Rotel much better then the Denon's? And, is it much better to go with separate proc./amp.? Any input would be highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance. Sincerely,

Gustavo S.
If you go with the Rotel be sure to buy a universal remote. That Rotel remote is the biggest P.O.S. and probably won't last a year.
I have both those items...great deal and sound, better features and settings than NAD wich I looked into aswell.
Rotel is actually based in England and does all design work inhouse but has all production done in Asia.