Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?

Listen mostly classical piano and Medieval music. No amp yet. Room is 16x25 (lively). Thanks!
easily the best for reproducing the nuances of piano especially the attack and decay associated with the hammer strike on the strings is without question the ESP Concert Grands. The designer of these speakers is a collector of some of the most prestigious grand pianos ever assembled and mirrored these type of pianos sonic signatures in an extremely lifelike, convincing manner.
Sorry to rain on the parade, but I sometimes listen to a real piano played automatically by a floppy disc program. The sad truth is that no loudspeaker comes close to the sound of the real thing (yet), and the modern computer-controlled player piano can duplicate all the subtle aspects of the keystrokes by the performer. With regard to convenience, inserting the floppy disc is just like loading a CD. Unfortunately, it does take up a bit more room than a loudspeaker, and automated violins and cellos aren't available.
Sorry to "rain" on your parade, but stating that no speaker comes close to reproducing the sound of a piano is also not true. I have played the piano myself for quite a few years and there are a number of speakers that can reproduce the sounds and overtones/harmonics of a piano with great accuracy, not perfectly, but very extremly close.
We are talking speakers, Eldartford, not pianos. Your player piano is a piano. I have a piano too. Pianos sound different from one to another. I just might not find your piano agreeable. This conversation should be moved to a musical instrument site, don't you think?