Recommend CD player

Recently, I just listen to the combination of the CEC TL1 + Sonic Frontier SFD-2 MkII. The sound was supreme, very smooth and has a very dept sounstage revealed layer by layer. The price for the used combo is around $3000. However, I was thinking that the combo is old now(almost 7-8 years technology)and we should try something new for today. Has anyone here has any suggestion on what CD that has the sound characteristic like this or better?

Thank in advance for any opinion.
I've been waiting untill I can afford a used Parasound Ultra 2000 which was made by CEC. I have a relatively new Arcam DV-89 which does a terrific job w/ CD's and DVD-A.
I would recommend the North Star 192 Dac and Transport. Very smooth combination with detail I never thought possible without the harsh digital glare that I have experienced in other high end digital front ends. I have owned Wadia, Cary, Musical Fidelity, Classe, ETC... This is the best that I have heard in my system. I use the coax input with my DVD player for amazing 2 channel movie sound and the i2s connection from the Dac to the Transport for incredible CD reproduction.

In my opinion, worth an audition.
i think they or so manny good cd player&dvd player
on the market but
i think cec is one of best transport in the world
that alljlf wood be good to find a cdplayer
for under $1000.00 that realy wood blow or mind away
i think they or so manny good cd player&dvd player
it all depen on what of money you have to spend
i think cec is one of best transport in the world
that alljlf sr
i wish american company wood step up to the plate
& make great gear so we dont have to keep paying for the boat charge