Recommend Class a Amp

This past weekend I purchased some Infinity QLS-1 Speakers and the gentlemen I bought them from was powering them with a Krell KSA-250. I was impressed, how the Krell drove those speakers. Most of my amps are tube and I would like to get me a keeper used well thought of class A solid state amp. I would like to stay in the Under thew 3K price range. Look forward to your recommendations.
Soix, the short answer is no. Even both of'em won't be in pure class A 200wpc. My best guess they will work 2...5Wpc each in class A.
Yeah, in a quick search I wasn't able to find specs other than a reference to the Whitney in this Ultra Audio review, which is where I got my 100Wpc Class A spec from.

I know that's kinda weak. BTW, what does "2...5Wpc each in Class A" mean? Not sure I follow. I know Peter does seem to favor using relatively large transformers in his amps, which made me think 100Wpc Class A could be possible. He is also very high on the power and performance of his amps in mono, so I was kind of (maybe incorrectly) extrapolating that those past design elements may have also made it to the Whitney. But again, not having seen the specs I could be completely off base here.
Thanks Almarg! :-)

Nobody has mentioned the Plinius SA-250Mk4 class-A/class-AB power amp? I've heard this power amp driving B&W N803 speakers & it sounded very nice to me. There's a switch in the front that toggles between class-A & class-AB & it believe there is a DIP-switch inside that sets the time that the amp is in class-A before it transfers to class-AB if it's not being used (of course it stays in class-A if it's being used). These used to go for $5000 used.
I think it's still a very good amp.
The top-plate got scalding hot & i'm sure that the heat sinks were at 55C or higher (never measured them but taking a guess based on my experience with some class-A amps).

Excuse my ignorance, as I'm from down under (Australia), but why every time I suggest to you American lot, the Parasound JC1 monoblocks I always get a stoney silence?

These John Curl designed beauties are a steel new and s/h, when you live in US. We get charged over $12000K new for them here in Oz, and over $8K second hand. But I've seen them s/h over there for under $4k

Is there a anti highend vendetta against Parasound because they make cheap stuff as well, as these JC1's are firmly placed in the Krell league.

Cheers George
03-27-15: Bombaywalla
Nobody has mentioned the Plinius SA-250Mk4 class-A/class-AB power amp?

I did, earlier in the thread. ;^)