Recommendation for higher power tube amp

AudiogoNers - I am interested in trying more tube power with my Thiel CS2.3s, which are hard to drive (~3 ohm load over 100Hz), budget is ~$3000-3500, used is fine as long as reliability is not a big risk, what would you recommend?

Currently running a BAT VK-55 and love the sound of tubes with these speakers, first thought was to get a second VK-55 and run them in mono, but realizing there are several other potential contenders in this price range, including Sonic Frontiers Power 2, Music Reference RM-200, a few VTL models, Antique Sound Labs Hurricane, Jolida Fusion, Manley Snappers, and more ARCs then you can shake a stick at, I thought I'd post the question.

You have to check the input impedance of the sub in parallel with your amps and then see if the preamp is OK with that.
Yeah and the more I think about it, if adding power is not going to significantly change SQ, why would offloading the bass to a sub do much either?
If the amp that drives the Theil no longer has to make power for the bass, there will be more power for everything else.
IME this is a really tricky way to go since active electronic crossover (which is what you need to see to it that your amp for the Theils does not have to deal with bass) are another block in the signal chain and so some immediacy is lost.
Update on VTA M-125s

As built by VTA, the M-125's were very noisy, but can be quietened quite a bit. In my case, almost 40db.

Complete instructions:
I had been happy with Rogue Cronus Magum II for 6 years.

But I doubt it will have enough power to drive your Thiel speaker.

I recommend you to stretch your budget to get Apollo with 250W.

Or you can try out Crown XLS 2502 (725W for 4ohm) at 650$ from Amazon.

I got one to drive Raal Sr1a headphone which is also demanding.

It has a lot of headroom without hard edge.
