recommendation for power cables for Gryphon amp

I have learned to appreciate the value of good power cables and would like to upgrade my cables to my bedroom amp.I have a Gryphon stereo Antileon signature amp,this amp requires TWO power cords.I do not want to take a second mortgage to finance the PC.Any recommendations for good cables ,could be new or used listed on Audiogon.Should be under a thousand each.
Well if I can't be the electronics distributor can I import your cable line? I am thinking about a number of now orphaned Hi End Audio to represent as a group. Jadis need NA representation now as well. I am also thinking in getting a consortium together to produce the Western Electric 300B in this country again and some other tubes as well. Only top notch stuff.
If you have a business proposal to Gryphon, you should contact the company direct. Contact details are on
Thank you for all the inputs.I have temporarily connected the gryphon to the Isoclean Super Focus.They sounds good ,however I have not compared them to other high end power cords.
I Think the cables for the Isoclean Super focus sound ok on the Gryphon amp.However I am having a serious problem finding the right power cables for my main amps in my main system.The configuration is as follows,one PC from the preamp to the German Physics X-Over,sound independent of that PC,from the X-Over to 2 mono amps YBA passion 1000 for above 180hz, and 2
mono amps NEMO Electrocompanient for the low frequency ,less than 180 Hz.My main problem is with PC for the Nemos,when I use the Virtual Dynamics Reference I get way too much bass,muddy bass.That was no good,so I am now trying the PS Audio PC-12,better than the VD but not as good as a stock cable.Any ideas,please help.