recommendation for speaker wire to soften the highs if possible

I need help. My problem is my system sounds harsh on the highs to me. Not extremely bad, but enough that I need to fix it. My system consists of Ryan 610's, oppo Sonica Dac, and a Belles 150a hotrod amp. Speaker wires being used are old monster cable from the 90's. I also have monster cable rca. I mostly stream through Tidal. My question is can I make the desired effect by switching cables or should I add  a tube amp or pre amp. My budget on the wire would be around 300.00
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
For the googlth time, systems in a room as individual as a fingerprint.

Blanket recommendations are not worth the bits to transmit them.

See for examples of how the same cable reacts with just amplifier and loudspeaker XO order.

When one adds in low level interconnect, all electronic and room colorations buying a component on recommendation is odds worse than craps.
Strap a 4 ohm resistor and a 0.33uf cap wired in series across the speaker terminal/binding posts. 
That creates a very crude low pass that rolls off highs.  Let your ears be the judge.   Cost you $2 or so.  Better than buying $500 snake oil.  
I just corrected nasty, harsh tweeter highs/fatigue. 
A friend brought over some Dueland wires and they did the trick. 
Myself and a group of serious audiophiles tried all the things suggested in this thread. 
I was to the point of breaking out the ice picks and sticking them in my ears...
Just  saying, you might seriously consider the Grannying option. It shouldn’t be too expensive and you may not need anything more. ( I don’t know Grannying, I’ve never had contact with that person). 
I’m with you. Most likely the Monster cables are the problem. 
Good luck. Keep us posted.