Recommendation on Balanced Interconnect

I've recently acquired the following:
Sony SCD-1
Pass Labs X0.2 pre amp
Pass Labs X350.

I'd like some recommendations on balanced interconnects, specifically between the pre and power amp. That particular interconnect needs to run to about 3m in length. Price Max. of approximately $2000.

Many thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xsalmankhanski
Working fine, auditioning PC's. The old one will probably be on retainer until it goes back to Coda for a volume-control chip update that they *might* be implementing...I'll know more soon, but if this happens, it's supposed to take care of the ocassional input overload problems. Regardless, it will most likely be sold this spring. Thanks for the cable input. :-)
Tekline TL-500S...pure copper prices...little known but great cables at great prices...i also have their
Ag-2 pure silver speaker selling my Silver Audio Symphony 48 cables now
Tara Labs Master Generation are fabulous interconnects. They sound sweet and smooth. 2 other interconnects I really like are, Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II's
and Sonoran PLATEAU Cactus interconnects. Here's Sonoran's site.
1. Make sure whatever your choice, make sure that the cable is a TRUE balanced design and not just a coax with XLR connectors. For exaMPLE, THE Cardas Golden Reference has a different implementation in XLR vs. RCA mode, as it should.
2. I would start with an Innersound balanced cable. Short money. Then, when your tastes become educated, you can upgrade to a higher priced cable. That's part of the fun!
3. You may not find an advantage running the SONY player in balanced mode. It implements its balanced connection rather poorly unless of course you have one of the modified units.
4. You might consider Cardas Golden Reference as an upgrade option. I would also run this in RCA mode with the Sony into the X0.2. I'd also look at the Empirical cable -sound engineering and great sound.