Recommendation on power amp

I would like recommendations for a power amp for my system which comprises of 
theta digital gen viii series 3 preamp/dac, ayre cx-5xe mp CD player, LUMIN mini u1 streamer, kef blade 2 with a pair of jl audio f113v2 connected with a jl audio cr-1 active crossover, kimber cables , rega rp8 turntable , parasound jc-3 phono stage.
currently using a pair of parasound jc-1 . Thinking of ayre mx-r twenty . Would like recommendations on compatibility of the ayre with the above system .
thanks everyone in advance .

@newtoncr Please post your impressions of the 2 amps with the Blades. I am particularly interested to hear about the synergy with the Krell XD.
Post removed 

I'm glad to see newtoncr survive this thread lol. Good luck with your choices and have fun!

Michael Green

Waltersalas, we post on a lot of different products because we have a lot of experience with a lot of different brands we sell five different brands of servers for example most dealers sell one or two.

We are constantly sampling new products and not taking the company line that X product made by the company we allready sell is the best.

For example we have tested many different brands of power conditoners including: Shunyata, Synergistic, Audience, Running Springs, Isotek, Audio Magic, Ps Audio, Audioquest one intresting example was one $9k power conditioner that Mike Fremmer said was so good in Stereophile was tested vs the Audio Magic Oracle another $9k conditoner both were burned in, both had exactly the same components tested in them, went back in forth a couple of times, the Audio Magic Oracle was incredibily better, however, this companies new line of power cables was brought in and found to be very very good with many components.

And for the record Walter very few people who have read our posts have actually bought anything from us..

One example was we started a post on the Micromega M100 series of products because no one was paying attention to this remarkably good integrated, this was before there was even a single review on it.

Several people ended up purchasing the Micromega because of our posts, and loving it and posted their own threads on the user experience after they got one, we got nothing from it.

We talk about Innuous servers because they are extremely good, etc.

As we mentioned before we bring in more new equipment in a 6month period to a year then many very large stores who are much more brand conservative.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
RS507 most of the people who are gripping about our "sales" tactics would never be our clients anyway. 

You can take these forums for what they are an exchange of ideas and you are free to contact us  or not to see for yourself if we can make recommendations that will better your system.

We are brining in the new Coda Point 8 after hearing of the improvements to Coda's amplifiers on this forum, we sold Coda years ago and loved their products but were not aware of how much better their amplifiers have gotten after making a change to a new output device and a couple of other changes and we didn't start that post TJ did.

We are also sure that our posts on the new Krell XD series of amplifiers have also helped draw attention to their new sound and new products which are really excellent, while some see sales pitch others see an informative post on a new product they didn't know about. 

Brownsf flew me down to San Francisco and after two days of working on his system we had created a system which challenged really expensive systems and there are a few other storries of people who have visited our shop and came away with either product ideas or learned ways to improve their systems.

We recommend an approach which includes using system tunning accessories to bring out the sound you are looking for.

Maybe Rs507 you should give us a call and see for yourself.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ