Recommendations- Tuner/Preamp w/ pwrCkt

Hello everyone. I need to get a high quality tuner and preamp for the bedroom system. I would prefer a 1 box solution as there is just no space in there for separates. Also need the tuner/preamp to have the capability to turn on a power amp either via a 12 volt trigger or via a switched outlet. Oh yeah, also need a remote control. Does such a product exist? (Don't want a receiver or integrated, as I am liking the amp too much to get rid of it.)
A few years ago, I had a Hafler 945 pre/tuner combo with all the specs you described. A nice little unit and I have spent enormous sums of money upgrading since then, but with very small incremental returns. One could easily be forgiven for bypassing these incremental returns, especially when the cost of obtaining something noticeably better is so much higher. FYI: I sold it to a friend for a couple hundred bucks. I think he is again upgrading and may be willing to part with it if you are interested. Good luck!
Alruhl, I am interested in the Halfer (but have not got around to signing up for Audiogon membership), can you email me with your email address, or the address of the person who has the 945?
John- Don't discount the sonics of the B&K tuner/pre/proc units. Obviously, you won't be using the HT processor in your application, but even the older AVP-1030, or newer Ref 10/20 units produce amazing stereo quality at the price (far better than their amps I've found). I found the B&K to be preferable to all of the other units mentioned above. Just MHO. Goodluck.