recommended 6922 tubes for a moderate price?

Hello fellow A'goners!
I'm new to tube rolling and have a modest budget, but want to try upgrading the driver tubes (6922's or their equivalents) for my Onix SP-3 integrated amp. I'm driving Vandersteen 2ce's and generally prefer blues, jazz, and classic rock. Hoping to improve that "live" quality and "3D" soundstaging. Would like to keep it under $100 a pair, but don't know how to navigate the world of tubes quite yet. Some of the prior info. may be irrelevant but any suggestions from wiser audiophile brethren is much appreciated! Thanks!
You've gotten some good recommendations. I'll add the Russian 6h23eb to the list.
I'm a giant fan of the JAN Philips 6922 ... BUT they won't work well in some circuits. I had a CJ Premier 17LS2 linestage, put a new quad of these tubes in it, and all four of them immediately went microphonic in a MAJOR way. The very same tubes work fine in my Raysonic CD 128. Dave
Thanks so much gentlemen! I plan on heeding all advice given and checking with several of the websites recommended! And I appreciate the caveat emptor for ebay. Once I make a purchase I'll update this thread and let you all know the results.

Hope you all have a very merry and musical Christmas!