Recommended first turntable?

I'm in need of a turntable! I've never owned one and don't have a very large record collection yet, so I'm not keen on spending more than say...$250. The turntables that people recommend to me (ie Rega, Thorens, Ariston) all seem very pricy in the used market.

For those of you who helped with my amp search, I finally got a Parasound HCA-1000A and its matching pre-amp, the P/HP-850.

Good overview, Jc2000. I would add that even a brand new record benefits from a serious record cleaning. Also, if you're using running water, which is a good minimal measure, final rinse with reverse osmosis filtered water if you have it. It's worth getting an RO filter, for you and your records. Although not as good as it gets, RO is way better than tap. If you're on a minimal budget, at least plan on washing your records with dish soap and thoroughly rinsing under the faucet, drying with a soft lint free cloth. Getting a stylus cleaner such as Last is worth it just to get the brush, and the stuff lasts forever if you remember to close the cap tightly.
You can buy a new Rega P1 right on audiogon for $350 and you would not have to buy used the rega will be a great place to start.
Thanks for your positive comments about my last post.

I should have added some comment about using some sort of water that's more pure than tap water. Some people do use just running water from the tap, but it does seem logical that some sort of purer water would be better.

Overall, I think it's a good idea to plan to get a record cleaning system in from the start. It's not necessarily critical for new records, or records that are known to be in good condition. But it is important for used records. And a big advantage of analog is buying used records. At $10 per CD (or CD equivalent iTunes download), you can buy 26 records at $1 each in a thrift store, and save the cost of this $250 investment.

The LAST stylus cleaner is probably worth considering. The advantage of the Magic Eraser approach is that the Magic Eraser is cheap. LAST also makes record cleaners that might be an attractive "get me started" option.

I was originally thinking of getting a used table, but after reading some of the posts here I realize that turntables are awfully fragile. I'm worried that I might get a used table and find that it's in bad shape. So now I'm thinking new. So I'm looking at the following tables, what do you think and what others should I look at?

Pro-ject Debut III
Rega P1
Sorry, here's the full list:

Pro-ject Debut III
Rega P1
Goldring GR 1.2
Music Hall MMF 2.1
Audio Technica PL-120
Thorens TD-158

The Dual that's for sale here on Audiogon is looking pretty nice too...I'm just worried that it would arrive damaged.