Recommended integrated for B&W 802?

Hi all-

Looking for integrated amps to put on the audition list. Speakers are B&W Matrix 802s - would like phono section as well. After reading the posts here, it seems like the overwhelming consensus is that Krells are too bright for the B&Ws. Levinson is pricey - plinius? mcintosh? Looking for something around $2k new/used. Need a good foundation to build the system around.
Try the Arcam or Rotel integrated amplifiers for excellent sound quality and affordable. Levinson 383 would be the cost no object answer.
Rowland and Gryphon are the best, but expensive.Levinson is so-so.Never heard of Lavardin.
I know two dealers who found that the Primare integrated really synergized with B&W. Primare is relatively new to the U.S. but their stuff is solidly built, looks great, and offers excellent value. Don't know if it has a phono section though. Just another option you might explore. Best of luck.

This integrated is really super and will drive your 802 with ease with its 250 WPC (delivering more than 275) and its 40 amperes of peak current. Some people say this amp is better than the Mark Levinson's. It retails for $4500 new I think. Check out this link:
Being fan of Musical Fidelity gear, I would recommend the MF A300 ($1600 new) over the Classe CAP-150 and the Krell 300i. I haven't heard the Plinius so no comments on this one. This is the link: