Recommended receiver for HT

I plan to downsize from Bryston SP-3 processor and Parasound amps to a single receiver for HT. The speakers would be KEF T301 fronts; LS50s are side and rear; subs are pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass management. Sources are Cox TV, Ayre DX-5 DSD, and perhaps Oppo 205 or 105D. Stereo music is a separate setup. I’ve been out of the receiver market for decades, so I’m seeking recommendations for a used receiver at moderate cost.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Hello dbphd,

     I'm trying to help you downsize and streamline while still having some fun.  Just the Oppo suggestion as surround processor eliminated the need for your Bryston SP-3 and a new receiver.  
     But your fighting my efforts by not even considering my good suggestions on how to downsize and streamline in other areas.  Why would you want to use the big class AB Parasound A23s when you don't even like their sound with the LS50s?   And not just one but two?  C'mon DB, work with me.
     A good solution is to try some good class D amps, discover they're a good match driving the LS50s as well as all your other speakers  and, voila!, you've even further significantly downsized and streamlined.  Do you have an aversion to using small, lightweight,  powerful and cool running class D amps that are so efficient you can just leave them on 24/7 if you want?


Class D amps are an attractive alternative to the A 23s.  Can you recommend specific models of Nord or Wyred 4 Sound.  I'm not going to reinstall a center channel, so it's 2, 4, or 6 channels of amplification driving 8Ω LS50s.

What about a NAD M22 amp for front LR LS50s?  Then add multichannel Class D amp for surround and rears.
Hello dbphd,

Now you're talking!  Excellent choice.

     Here's a Stereophile very positive review of the class D NAD M22 amp I just read:

     There's also a NAD M27 amp that retails for $1,000 more than the M22.  It uses the exact same custom Hypex NCore 400 class D modules with the same 250w/ch as the M22 but has 7 channels instead of 2.  I know that's 1 more channel than you need but it would give you the option of powering a center channel if you ever wanted to use one again in the future. It would also help you downsize and steam-line since all of your required amplification would be in a single component enclosure rather than several.
     I think you'll really like the sound of either of these amps, the review on the M22 stated that both the M22 and M27 amps sound almost identical to the Parasound A31 3-ch amp.
     Great job in identifying the NAD class D amps as an excellent solution for your soon to be downsized HT system.



I read several rave reviews of the NAD M22 this afternoon. Your recommendation pushed me over the threshold to buy a demo unit offered on Audiogon for $1400.

Current Cox TV is 2 channel, so surround would be limited to Blu-ray and SACD. I’m still thinking about whether to use the Bryston SP3 -- it may be redundant with the Oppo 205.  I think I'll reserve the Ayre DX-5 DSD for use with the Ayre stereo setup.
