Red Wine, Patek, Audio Zone and Atma Sphere

Any comparision between these amps? I think they're all pretty good, but currently I have a pair of Atma-Sphere M60 which are pretty nice too. Just want to see if these new solid stat amps may be better than my Atma (audio itch...)

I've had an Atmashpere S-30 for a short while. Really like their OTL sound. I still have a Red Wine Sig 30, actually the Omega version which is the 30 wrapped in wood. Have not heard the others you mention. The 30 is the one for me. I especially like the fact that it is battery operated and I'm off the grid. My taste for amplification has been in the SET camp for the last 2 years and the 30 is very close to that. I think ultimately, besides personal taste, it comes down to the amp/speaker interface. Some speakers like some amps more than others. Good luck.
I'm running them with my advantgard duo. do you think that the red wine 30 would work better than atma 60?
Another SS you should consider, though you would have to buy it used is First Watt (Pass) Aleph J or the F4 model. Can't say you will like it better than your Atma-Spheres, but I find them very, very enjoyable with my Merlins and my other amp is a CAT JL2 - so in that company the Aleph J is formidable given the price (used 1,600-1,800)and given an efficient and benign speaker impedance - mostly over 8ohms and linear.