Redbook Keeps Surprising

I was a Best Buy to get a memory card reader for my computer. Looked at the CDs and saw a few in the bargain bin that I would like to have, only a few dollars. Came home, ripped them with DB power amp, picked the best cover art. Transferred to my Aurender through the NAS and played away. WOW, impressive sound and I really enjoyed them both. I like the High Res downloads and my SACD collection but am often really impressed by good Redbook CD. It really is the music that counts. 
Hi jafreeman,

Concerning royalties, I know my wife had to pay into ASCAP and BMI when she had her dance schools years ago.

... consider this scenario; I buy a disc from a regular retail source, pay the prescribed market price, listen to it, don't rip it or save it in any way and then grow tired of it, and give it to a friend/donating it; is that a violation of copyright law as well? ... can I assume the same would apply to (after my death and therefore no longer using my discs) giving it all to my son or if he does not want it, to a music library as a donation?
Cleeds is correct.  Simply put, copyright law imposes restrictions on copying.  If there is no copying, there is no violation.

-- Al
Okay ... I like to make cassette copies of some of my favorite vinyl LP's and play them in my car ... especially on road trips.  Am I violating copyright law in this instance?  

What if I make a cassette copy of an LP and give it to a friend?  Or, how about if I rip an LP to a CD disc, then play the CD in my car ... or give the CD to a friend?  Is that against the law too?

In fact, just this morning I ripped two LPs to one CD disc ... a  mono copy of a Woody Herman LP, long out of print, and a mono copy of a Tony Scott LP, also long out of print. Then, I ripped the copied CD to another CD ... now there's one CD for my car and one CD for a friend who requested it after hearing both LP's on my system last night. 

Thousands of used CD's are sold on Ebay and Amazon each week, so that must be legal it seems. 

There are thousands of CD recorders sold ... I have the home version of the Tascam Pro made by TEAC.  If its illegal to make a copy of a music CD ... why are Tascam and TEAC in business?  I have installed a good program on my PC that makes excellent copies of CD's. Why is that software maker and the computer maker still in business? 

While I have purchased countless numbers of used CDs via Ebay, from thrift stores and garage sales, I have never sold a copy to anyone. I am not in the recording resale business. 

 Ethics?  Um ... how many posting here remember when CD's first came out? Remember when all of the vinyl was stripped from the record store shelves almost over night and everything was replaced by CD's at $18.99 a pop for terrible sounding digital recordings? No violations of ethics by leaving the consumer with no choice other than to pay exorbitant prices for a lousy product, eh? 

Ethics?  How may posting here are sick and tired of buying full price CD's, only to get them home to find that they are drenched in digital reverb, have screechy strings and are pretty much unlistenable ... unless one finds running dental floss through one's ears enjoyable? 

Ethics?  Okay, so I guess in order to really be on the up and up, I'll have to start telling my friends to go pay collector prices for the out of print stuff and just forget me making any copies for them of the absolutely unattainable stuff too.  Oh, and no more copies for the car either. 

Crapolla, we certainly live in a complicated, over-regulated statist world, do we not?  

I think I'm getting old.