Treemed67-Rajko, I have Esoteric DV50s almost one year now. I am enjoying it very much in my office system, it is good #1 flavor player. But, it is not the best RBCD playback for the money. Weiss combo and ARC REF CD7 are a lot better then DV50s with RBCDs! There are IMO only two players(universal) that are better then DV50s in $5-8K region. These are: Ayre C-5xe(universal stereo music player, NO DVD-V or without video section!) and Esoteric UX-3. Accustic Arts Surround Player is little bit to expensive($9K)... Esoteric UX-3 is better then DV50s in every respect so, if price is not the issue go for UX-3.
Esoteric gear benefites very much from after market power cords and all of them have very long break-in period(up to 1000h!!).
Exlibris, I audition Reimyo DAP-777 and Audio Aero Prestige SACD player is currently in my system. My findings are that ARC REF CD7 is better then both of them.
AA Prestige is very good and is sounding very best via its internal preamp but, ARC REF3 and ARC REF CD7 together are IMO a Lot better... More midrange magic, better bass(big suprise!) and more natural high frequency, to my ears.
Prestige is at $13K very good choice(internal preamp-a good one) but, its preamp section is not in the same league as ARC REF3 and even just as a players I like ARC REF CD7 more. Prestige player is also not very user friendly... I did not audition Zanden in my system( just at hifi shows) and Kondo KSL-DAC is very interesting dac...
Audio Note(UK) gear do not interest me. Need to audition Accustic Arts combo that you are currently break-in in your system.
Esoteric gear benefites very much from after market power cords and all of them have very long break-in period(up to 1000h!!).
Exlibris, I audition Reimyo DAP-777 and Audio Aero Prestige SACD player is currently in my system. My findings are that ARC REF CD7 is better then both of them.
AA Prestige is very good and is sounding very best via its internal preamp but, ARC REF3 and ARC REF CD7 together are IMO a Lot better... More midrange magic, better bass(big suprise!) and more natural high frequency, to my ears.
Prestige is at $13K very good choice(internal preamp-a good one) but, its preamp section is not in the same league as ARC REF3 and even just as a players I like ARC REF CD7 more. Prestige player is also not very user friendly... I did not audition Zanden in my system( just at hifi shows) and Kondo KSL-DAC is very interesting dac...
Audio Note(UK) gear do not interest me. Need to audition Accustic Arts combo that you are currently break-in in your system.