I ditched my Lustre probably 30 years ago and never looked back. As I mentioned, the Fidelity Research and SME put it to shame in my systems although - to be fair - those are more expensive pickup arms.
And you couldn't possibly have owned my SME V, because I bought mine new from a local dealer.
The Lustre GST-801 was an interesting design, though. If the manufacturer had ever updated it with better geometry, materials and QC, it might have been a contender. Now it's just an oddity.
The GST-801 is a engineeering tonearm lesson for any manufacturer designer. Way way better than your V that I owned.The GST-801 suffered from a host of problems, including its compromised geometry by not getting the counterweight in the same plane as the record. That makes it a pretty poor "tonearm lesson." They also suffered from quality control problems, which is why my dealer at the time stopped selling them and why used ones are often sold in pieces, with some parts missing entirely. It's no wonder that they are no longer manufactured. According to vinylengine.com, it's the same as the Acos, so I'm not sure why you think that the two are "way different."
I ditched my Lustre probably 30 years ago and never looked back. As I mentioned, the Fidelity Research and SME put it to shame in my systems although - to be fair - those are more expensive pickup arms.
And you couldn't possibly have owned my SME V, because I bought mine new from a local dealer.
all those undamped FR are the worst design ever. Period.That's an interesting pronouncement but coming from the same guy who (iirc) insists the Triplanar arm suffers an inherent design flaw, it doesn't mean much. In fact, such extreme pronouncements are usually meaningless. The world of audio - and especially turntables and pickup arms - isn't as simple as those like you would insist.
The Lustre GST-801 was an interesting design, though. If the manufacturer had ever updated it with better geometry, materials and QC, it might have been a contender. Now it's just an oddity.