Rega's T/T power supply: Is it worth the money?

I recently purchased a Rega P3-24 turntable with their Elys II cartridge. So far I have enjoyed what I have heard, but have played less than 25% of my LP's. I have read some reviews of Rega's TT PSU power supply as part of reviews of their tables. Nevertheless, at $375, it seems pricey considering the table and cartridge retail for $1200--- that is, the PS costs almost 30% of the rig. I have read that the difference with it in line range from subtle to a marked improvement in the sound. I would like input from members who own or have owned this upgrade....Also would the Project SpeedBox II work with the Rega P3-24??. Thanks, Jim
i have the same TT as Mofi with the same PSU. when i got rid of the stock power cord on the Heed, the rega really took off.
I hope so, I just ordered one for my P3-24 TODAY.:-) along with an Ortofon Black MM Cart. Seriously, very accurately controlling the speed of the platter is tops in list of important things. My dealer said the P3-24 with the TTPSU really is about the same to him as the P5 (sounding-wise). He feels the next jump in table to "hear" the difference is the P7 in the Rega line.
That's interesting. All the dealers or Rega owners I have talked with have said that the P5 is a big step up from the P3, but the P7 is not much better, at least not for double the money of the P5. They recommend going all the way up to the P9 after the P5. For what it's worth, Art Dudley of Stereophile has written that he considers the P9 to be one of the very best tables out there. I have never auditioned the P7 or P9 myself, but I do consider the P5 a definite step up from the P3, and that TTPSU makes a big difference as well.
Sure, just giving one dealer (and a very respected & long-time rega dealer's) feedback. His opinion was that the P3-24 with the TTPSU offers all the great things that made the P5 a step up from the older P3. I've not auditioned any of them in comparison, so I really can't give an opinion of my own.

I look forward to my TTPSU, I should have it this week.

Does all the Rega tables use the same TTPSU? Are the ones supplied with the P9 the same as the one supplied with the P3-24 and P5, P7? Just wondering?

The one supplied with the P9 comes in a chasis that resembles the Apollo CD player.
