REL studio III hum/rumble

I am using a REL studio III with parasound monoblocks. I am using high level inputs. The speakon
left and right are connected to each monoblocks red terminal. The ground is connected to left
monoblocks black terminal. I am using the monoblocks bi-wire posts to connect the sub.

If the amp is in standby, and the sub is switched on I get a huge rumbling sound. This rumble
does not come if the amp is switched on. Another point to note is that the rumble does not occur if the coarse cross-over is at A setting. Also the rumble gradually builds up slowly to crescendo
once the sub is switched on.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
I have Parasound JC-1s with a Rel Storm III connected as you described with no problems. I would avoid any alternate connections without consulting with Parasound.

Thanks for the responses. I will look at trying out some of them this weekend and I will keep you posted.

Gandme: Are you using the JC-1's second biwire posts for the sub connection?
What is your crossover set to.
Indirstr8s, Yes I am... my crossover is set at A-4 I would have to consult the manual, but I think it is around 26 hz.
I just added a second Storm a fuller more balanced presentation.