Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?

I could have posted this discussion to a few other categories but chose this one because discussions related to 2 of the 4 components in question belong here.

So it's been ~2.5 yrs since I purchased my current system. I did a lot of research at the time here on audiogon, but no auditioning, and put together a system that sounds very, very good to me.

While I have no complaints, the itch to upgrade has surfaced recently.

I am curious as to whether you guys think it will be possible for me to replace just 1 of my primary 4 components and obtain significantly better sound as a result. The more discernible and obvious the sound improvement, the better obviously. I am not looking for a marginal upgrade - I want dramatically better sound. And I am not looking to replace more than 1 component at this time. I am hoping to get a few ideas/candidates and then may decide to audition some of the recommendations before making a decision. Hopefully some of the upgrade paths are such no-brainers that I may even be able to take a leap of faith without auditioning. Note also that acoustic room treatments are not viable in my current listening location.
My current 4 part system:

1. Lumin D2 - 100% of my listening is streaming via Tidal
2. Mcintosh C2600 preamp
3. Mcintosh MC452 amp
4. Focal Kanta 2 speakers

Cables are Cardas Golden presence RCAs from the Lumin to C2600, Cardas Clear Cygnus XLRs from the C2600 to the MC452, and Kimber 8TC speaker cables to the Kantas.

Soundstaging, dynamics, imaging and overall clarity are all great. I have to say I love the Be tweeters. And the bass is punchy, tight, fast and certainly sufficient for my needs. Vocals and overall sound are warm, liquid smooth and analog-like, just the way I like it. (Forgive me if I've botched some of the characterizations - I'm no expert at this). The only thing I can think of that could use some improvement is the sound quality at lower volume levels, although that is not terribly important to me since most of my listening is in the 90+ Db range. Would be nice, though.

So while I do love the overall sound, surely dramatically better sound can be obtained via a 1 component swap? Budget is ~10k. Or will I need to spend more, or upgrade more than 1 component to achieve the desired result?

Thanks in advance for your time and thoughts.

From your photo, it looks like your setup violates just about every "best practice" for how to set up a listening room acoustically. Multiple hard reflective surfaces in the most sensitive areas, etc. No amount of gear changes or upgrades will overcome poor acoustics. Best recommendation is to invest some time in any of the many publications available (RH's bible for example) on the do's and don't's of setting up a room for good acoustics.

Yes, Qobuz sounds better than Tidal, I tried both though don't listen to either - they don't have what I want and the sound quality is not good enough.
Suggestion of two subs makes a lot of sense.
Still, I would probably try to improve the source first.
As for cabling, I am a cable guy and do my best in this respect.
And the last thought. If you want dramatic improvement - get rid of everything, one by one, and start building your system anew. In this case, choose speakers first, of course.
I love your system - I have the C2600 and the MC302. 
My upgrade path will likely be mono blocks- I am interested in the 901s. 
If you like your sound I would focus on the source or the speakers. 
Since you enjoy the Focals upgrading the model would be worth a listen. 
I am currently trying Qobuz versus Tidal. Too early to say it’s more than a marginal difference. 
The other thought I have is bi-amping with a tube amp.  Perhaps the MC1502. 
Good luck and let us know your experience 
If I were you, this is what I will do:
1. Change to Lumin X1 (used one for ~ 8.5-9 K). 
2. Get fiber optic ethernet connection, with or without ethernet switch like etheregen (strongly recommended) (< 750 $).
3. Definite yes for room treatment.
You can then consider changing speaker cables, ICs and power cords. For cables, you will get tons of suggestions, but to keep under budget, you might have to do some trials. My favorite is Silversmith Fideliums. 

@ millercarbon
Where do you have your Schumann generators placed? Do they need to be 5 ft off the floor as suggested?