Replace Silver interconnect cable , please advice

i don't like the sound of my system
almost no bass , weak soundstage
the music not lively

this is my System:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable (install them few days ago)
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

few people told me maybe it's the silver cable
and to try to replace it with Copper.

can you advice on 2-3 models for me to test?

maybe Cardas Clear like my speaker cables?
Does it sound like bass could be better or like something is "wrong"? I have the older Focal 1037 Be and also have an Oppo 105 and have never had weak bass in a pretty open room with high ceiling. I have tried Home Depot 14g copper extension cable as speaker wire (just for kicks), Anticables (copper) and Analysis Plus Big Sliver Oval, which range from $25 to $1000. All of them sounded different and had different presentation and definition of bass but all were enjoyable in thier own right and none gave the impression something was "wrong" I suspect the DAC/PC or other electronics or the room/placement.
I agree with playing a good sounding cd or sacd on the oppo and comparing to the PC. If the Oppo sounds better, look into your pc set up. I have used the Oppo Dac with great results with a Mac Mini and Pure Music.
Pelo911 has put his system up with some pictures. You can see that he has a very difficult room to work with and some experimentation with speaker location may help with the bass.

Metralla, good job spotting the system description Pelo has just added, but the link you provided is to someone else's system. The correct link is:

The pix in your system description are very helpful, Pelo; thanks for putting them up.

The biggest problem I see is the short distance between the speakers and the wall behind the listening position. First, it looks like there is about a 4 or 5 foot distance between the listening position and that wall, which will produce a suckout in the deep bass region centered at about 60 or 70 Hz. Changing the position of the sofa relative to that wall will vary the frequency and the amplitude of that suckout, and experimenting with different positions may help significantly, although inevitably some compromise will result.

Second, I'm not sure that you are sitting far enough away from the speakers for their three woofers, two of which are in the lower half of the speakers, to blend properly with the mid-range driver, which is near the top.

Third, the close proximity of many reflective surfaces isn't helping imaging and soundstaging.

It appears that more space may be available at the far end of the room, near the window blinds that are visible. If practical, you might consider re-locating everything down there, so that the speakers are aimed along the room's longer dimension.

-- Al
Sorry but the problem is the speakers. The Electra are too narrow sounding and slow. The CDP is not the best one also for dynamics.
Anyway it's easier to try a new cable. Try ANALYSIS PLUS SOLO CRYSTAL OVAL.