Replacement for current speakers suggestions

Greetings! I am 64 years old and started the hi fi journey at 19. I am thinking of replacing my current speakers. I have a pair of Von Shweikert VR 2's driven by a Mcintosh MA 250. Analogue sources are a Clearaudio Emotion Red with a Hana EH cartridge, the second deck is a Technics SL-1200 GR with a Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge. My VR 2's sound outstanding with the Mac however, they are sounding clinical these days. I realise that at 64 with all my health issues hearing changes for the worse. Diabetic for 39 years, Cardiac issues, (massive MI in 95, double bypass in 05) and the latest is stage 4 cancer, no remission possible! I like a warm sound that recreates music in great detail without sounding clinical, not sure if that makes sense! Disability does not pay all that well! The days of affording 3k to 5k are done! Looking at some Wharfdale towers, Maggies and possily Monitor Audio. I want to stay abour or below 2k.I will appreciate your opinions!

Thanks, Bogiedr


$30 fix is worth a try.  If that doesn't work out try a pair of 

JM Reynaud's.  They are very engaging, the Twins, discontinued and their least expensive, do get a little congested.  


Thank you to the well wishers, tough battle but music always helps a great deal! CM I appreciate your recommendation, thank you, I do not appreciate that you came across like my grandpa yelling to me for having a zip of his scotch at age 7. I must point out that the first thing in my post is my recognition of my hearing changing. I must also point out I don't care how many times you have have said that the springs you are pushing work since it is my first post of any significance so I have not seen that answer. I am new here so with all due respect, and we are the same age, please do not respond to my postings anymore, I did not come here to get scolded. I have limited time on this good earth and just want to enjoy as much music as I can, not enough time for tweeks, can you understand that? Thank you sir. To recommendations of Dali,Dynaudio great suggestions. I will seek local dealers for a listen.


By the way I had to reregister, somehow AG is not recognizing my credentials, so I am now Bogiedr2

I believe your only option is the small Maggies (can't remember what they are called) Best value ever under $2000 but you might have to find a used sub to keep under $2000. I also l liked Sonus Faber Chameleons but not as much as the Maggies.