Replacement Sonus Faber grille strings?

Hi guys, the grille and stand strings on my Sonus Faber Guaneri Evolution speakers are beginning to sag.  While I know its a straight forward task to retension the grille strings, I am just thinking that at some point I will need to replace the strings. The stand strings look a bit more difficult as it will require me to dismantle the stand.  

Of course I have no intention of paying the ridiculous prices SF wants to charge me.  So does anyone know of a source for the string?

Contact and they will sell you the strings only for just the cost of shipping. They no longer have the metal brackets...

Spoke to FineSounds America - phone # (510)843-4500 yesterday regarding replacement grill strings for my Guarneri EVO. They asked to provide speakers serial number to verify the exact model and ordered the string kit part number KIM110001 free of charge for me. I pay only cost of shipping - the kit will come directly from Italy.


@krell303  Thanks for the info. I also spoke to Fine Sounds and sure enough the speaker grill strings are available. I also asked for the stand strings, which I am now going to be getting from Italy.  Not sure of the procedure to mount the strings onto the grills or the stands, but will be a work in progress. 

I received my re-string kit today from Fine Sounds. Impressive service. I noticed that they are still Sumiko and also the McIntosh group. I received four packs of the strings, presumably two packs per speaker grill?? I also ordered the strings for the stands, which have to come from Italy and will arrive later.