I’m gonna throw my recent experience into the mix.
my system
VPI prime, Hana SL, Lehmann Black Cube SE2
Bluesound node 2, Schiit Bifrost multibit.
Primaluna Dialogue Premium int.
Focal 1008be2
Audio sensibility wiring.
As I moved from Yaqin 100b to the primaluna , no contest.
adding the Focal speakers took me closer to a wonderful sound that I was quite happy with in my 11X16X10 room.
I had bought some Hubell 5362 outlets a while ago and never installed them.
I had had an electrician run a 20 amp line to my stereo before I made my equipment upgrades, however they installed their outlets, and didn’t really attach the box to the studs.
Well I finally had some time to replace the outlets and attach the box to the studs.
To say that there was an improvement would be disingenuous.
I had more bass, more micro detail, deeper soundstage, and wider.
Now I need to get some bass traps.
But I am a believer.
The crappy outlets they installed were less that half the weight of the hubbells.