Replacing my old soda Sapphire: which clearaudio

Dear All,

I have to replace my sota sapphire. I am going to get either the CA concept of performance. Obviously, I want a turntable that is equal to or better than my sapphire. Any insight would be much appreciated.
I have both, Sota Star and Clearaudio Performance. the Performance is a very nice table, dead quiet and speed right on the money. The Satisfy carbon arm is also very good. I dont think you will lose any performance by switching to the Clearaudio, but you will need to isolate it in some manner if room vibrations are an issue. The Sota has about the best suspension system around, so you will lose that benefit.
"My wife objects to the wood base of the turntable."

Is this a new wife or a new turntable?

Can you please say more about isolation and room vibrations. I am not too familiar with those concepts. Is there a device I can buy for isolation?
your Sota is built with a spring isolation suspension system built in. One of the best. So it is not susceptable to external vibrations as would a ridgid mount turntable. If your floor is anything but a concrete slab, you might have issues with vibrations from your foot steps causing vibration in your turntable, and therefore distortion in your cartridge. also, if you play loud, bass note vibration can cause feedback. Your cartridge is basically a microphone, picking up vibration whether it is on the record or in the air. The Sota is designed to minimize those effects. A ridgid table has to sit on something that absorbs those vibrations from the floor before they get to the table.