Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest

First day at fest...Heard some pretty good sound...speakers from PSB (new Symphony line), Tyler Audio, Acoustic Zen (new Crescendo is really good), Wilson Benesch were most memorable. Also appreciated chatting with reps from Audio Research, Acoustic Zen, PSB...and members of audio press (Jonathan Scull). BUT, overall, sound is WAY too loud for anyone who cares about his hearing or evaluating sound. And, there was a surprising amount of truly bad sound. Also, it seems like the only music being demo'd was percussion tracks and cuts by any number of women with an acoustic guitar. At the end of the day, my ears hurt and I had a headache and reaffirmed my feeling that the ONLY way to evaluate equipment is in my home...Maybe my impressions will be more favorable after a cocktail and some aspirin. Cheers to all!
Hi RMAF'07 attendees,

Has anyone heard Danny Ritchie's latest speaker designs at RMAF? His GR Research LS-9 speakers were partnered with Red Rock amplifiers and his LS-6 speakers were partnered with Gary Dodd's amplifiers. Any feedback on these two speakers? I was not able to attend this year and I am curious as to how the GR Research speakers sounded to everyone. Thanks a lot!
For info on new Apogee Acoustics speakers:

For replacement ribbons:

For rennovation of your present Apogee speakers:
>> 10-16-07: Peepoy2
>> Hi RMAF'07 attendees,

>> Has anyone heard Danny Ritchie's latest speaker designs
>> at RMAF? His GR Research LS-9 speakers were partnered
>> with Red Rock amplifiers and his LS-6 speakers were
>> partnered with Gary Dodd's amplifiers.

Yes, I did hear the LS-6 paired w/ Dodd's 280W/ch monos. I personally thought that the sound was pretty good. I cannot give any more definition to my explanation 'cuz there was standing room only when I walked in & I was onto 1 side. The sound was very good where I stood. Can't comment on the timbre/tonality, etc.
RMAF 07 – My Favourites:

Horn Loudspeakers:
The Cogent Horns fed by Chris Brady’s electronics & Teres Model 360 TT. Very life-like, no horn shout & superb PRaT. I kept coming back to this room whenever I’d take a break. That told me something about the sound.
The Classic Audio Reproductions came a very close 2nd. The had all the same attributes as the Cogent Horns but the Cogent was better to my ears.

Planar/Metal Ribbon Loudspeakers:
Hands down – the Apogee Acoustics Duetta speakers fed by all Audio Research gear. Rick Murray & his team did an excellent job re-finishing that Duetta Signature speaker in an automotive finish. The sound was totally dynamite. I was smitten!

Integrated Amplifiers:
Hands down – the Luxman 30W/ch playing thru Vivid loudspeakers demo’d on the Mezzanine floor. This was a kick-butt (pun intended) class-A amp that could bring the house down SPL-wise. Besides the bass quantity, the overall sound was excellent. It was not just the bass.

Here there was no clear winner for me as I liked several designs –
The Raven AC 3M,
Thom’s/Galibier Gavia,
Redpoint’s Model A in Dan Wright’s room,
The very unassuming TT in Berning’s room w/ that Allaerts MC1B cartridge (loved the sound of this cartridge!),
The Super Scout Master w/ the strain gauge cartridge,
Chris Brady’s Teres Model 360
just to name a few.

I got several opportunities to hear a Schroeder tonearm & I liked it each & every time I heard it. I think that I heard a Reference model every time except 1-2 times when I heard the Model 2. There was correctness about the sound thru it & it was always rich & full-bodied. Great arm!

Complete Systems:
Here again there were no clear favourites for me. I heard a lot of excellent amplification -
* The Art Audio Vivo sound is stuck in my head. Maybe it was the ModWright – ArtAudio combination that worked superbly with each other?
* Another sound that is stuck in my head is the new Berning Quadrature Z $30K power amps. The sound of these amps is simply excellent & without fault. I spent a good bit of time w/ Allan Bhagan talking about the ZH270 & the latest Quadrature Z amps. We had a very amicable long chat (Thanks very much Allan! ).
* The Mark Levinson-WA Sophia was another great combination. I surprised myself by actually liking the Sophia sonics!
* The ARC HT200-WA Sophia was yet another great combination.
* I’ve already mentioned my viewpoint on the ARC HT200-Apogee combination.
* Yet another great sounding system was the Shanling-Selah Audio Galena (a slight bass boominess – the room?) because it produced great sound for an affordable amount of money.
* The McIntosh room down in the Lobby area. We heard some tracks from Chris Botti’s album & a track from an album called “Vertigo”. Also several tracks played by the person demo’ing the gear (I did not get his name but it looked like either was a McIntosh employee or a long-time dealer).
* The Gershman-Clayton Audio room sounded very good to me. Very life-like & with music flowing effortlessly. Terry Rossen & Ofra Gershman very personally running the demos.
* The Art Audio-Dadaelus room was very good sounding. They were using a Bluenote Koala CDP. On the day I visited they had the 845 mono driving the larger Dadaelus speakers. Very musical, emotional. Other than the track that was playing when I came in which was bass heavy that showed me that the 50W/ch 845 were no bass slouches, we played tracks from The Michael Wolff Trio “2AM”.

I heard some great digital gear spanning from Wadia’s 581SE to more modestly priced Oppo & Original players.
I also really liked the Squeezebox in stock & modified form (as in ModWright’s room).
The player from Nova Physics was yet another great music server.
The Abbington Music Research CDP also sounded good. It was surprising to see just how many rooms had the AMR CDP!

Cone/Dynamic Loudspeakers:
Green Mountain Audio’s Calypso was my favourite. You all could say that it is a biased view ‘cuz I own Green Mountains myself. So be it!
I heard several excellent cone/dynamic speakers but the Calypso sounded the best & the most life-like of them all and that too w/ very modest electronics & an older Sony CDR source.
Bombaywalla, Just to clarify the Redpoint in Dan Wright’s room was a Model SC = "Spoiled Child" not a Model A.