Request your two cents - BW804, Theil 2.x, or ...
There are not too many options for me to sit back and compare speakers, so I may need to purchase something unseen/unheard and would like to narrow down my choices. Considering new/used and would like to spend between $2-4k. Looking at B&W804 (maybe 803) and Theil.
I will be replacing 20 year old pair of Hales Concept Two's. They are great speakers but I would like a bit more of low end thump. I have tried pairing them with a REL reference sub, but it did not integrate well and was returned.
Any suggestions with my current set-up:
Mc352, VPI TT, Adcom 750 (Pre), EAR 834, Hales Concept Two (speaker). Listen to mostly vinyl (Jazz, Rock, Acoustic...)
Appreciate constructive feedback