resolution opus 21 cd player OPINIONS PLEASE

I am about to buy this CD player....have heard good things about it. Any opinions would be appreciated.
Thank you
Hey Lall,

Actually the transport issues were dealt with within a year of the Opus 21's introduction. (And the issue was that they were slightly noisy.)

However, I will admit that they do have a slight issue with their lasers lifespan though, as mine finally wore out after I'd owned it for five or six years, and I was the second owner, so I have no idea how long it actually lasted. (How long are lasers supposed to last?) Anyway, I dropped it off at Jeff Kalt's place in San Francisco, (I live about 50 miles away), and he fixed it quickly and VERY inexpensively). Again, dealing with Jeff Kalt is one of the best reasons for buying a Resolution Audio product.

FYI: Jeff is finally getting ready to introduce a new state of the art CD player, (as the Opus 21 has been out for 10-12 years now), which I am anxiously waiting to hear.
I've owned one, twice in fact, and wish I still did. Great player, great company. Just the fact that it has been out for so long, with very few changes, is a testament to the product and the company.

If I were to invest in a high end CD player today, it would be either an Opus 21 or a Great Northern Sound Modified Opus 21.


To be clear Rocky1313, I bought my player from Great Northern Sound directly, with modifications already done. I have since replaced the stock umbilical power connector with a Ridge Street Audio unit. I'm also using aftermarket power cords (to my power conditioner).

I just wanted to illustrate that you have upgrade options with the Opus 21.
Not wanting to get off subject but I was wondering have you resolved your conflict with Audio Aero on your Capitole? I recall you had some sort of disagreement on a upgrade or repair with "no sound".

I have the GNSC moddified Opus 21 and its excellent. I have zero desire to upgrade.