Retractable room treatment

Does anyone know of any retractable or removable room treatment systems for a large wall behind speakers? I have a challenging room, and a wife that won't let me treat it. I'm wondering if there are any sound absorbing screens that fold flat for storage, or any other type of retractable wall treatments?
To what end? It's certainly a cost you'll never recoup if you sell your house. Also if you ever reposition your speakers… Interesting idea but why not consider a special built room by Rives.
Beavis- I'm not planning to move but I think you misunderstood the question(s). Thanks for responding.

Riley- That looks like a great site that I had not seen before! Thanks!!
I have treated my listening room using GIK products and they have made a major improvement in my listening pleasure. Give Frank a call. He will take his time to give you good advice and explain the various approaches. AS a bonus their prices are not budget breakers.
David Pritchard
Maybe it's time for a new wife? ;-)

You might also want to take a look at Real Traps and Echo Busters. They both have stands for their wall panels that allow them to be moved around.