A bit surprised there's been so little contribution on this. I bought my S'1 from a gent who was upgrading to the S'2 in a large difficult room and he was gracious enough to invite me over after he got the new system set up. The difference was big enough to cause me to upgrade to the salon'2 and while he replaced everything in his system all I changed was the speakers(so far). I prefer rear ported speakers in my basement listening room and still like the bass from the S1 better for rock music. That said imaging, and mid range are better with the S'2, just play anything with piano in it and the difference is obvious, The salon1 tweeter is a bit hotter and, like the bass adds a bit of excitement to live recordings. Both speakers are made well and should last a long time so if I pull a ballpark number for 'Like New' condition, 1 owner pair of used salon's and try to find something new for the same money I can't do better, different sure,better? not yet.