Revel Studios- amplfier suggestions please

Hello everyone
interested in people's experience with amplifiers for these awesome speakers.
i am driving them currently with a cal audio mca 2500 (500 wpc)
wondering if any "audiophile amps" either monoblock or stereo would give me a significant improvement?
also how do you all like these speakers?
I love my Studios.
I use a Mark Levinson No. 23. (200 wpc).
I used to use the Mark Levinson No. 27 (100 wpc).
I upgraded because I wanted to be able to really crank the music to realistic sound levels. I really like how the Levinson amps sound with the Studios. (As well they should, since they are designed with Levinson amps in mind.) I get plenty of detail, and LF extension with the Levinson amp. In addition, the soundstaging and imaging are greats.

I recommend the Levinson amps with the Revels. My opinion of course.

Good Luck!
I have a Krell fpb 300cx and I think the combination is great. I previously used bryston 4bst, and while it was good, the Krell is better by a measurable margin. good luck.
thanks for the advice!
i agree- the revels do pair well with levinson/proceed.

how about tube amps?
any thoughts from anyone.
just an idea but i have been looking at some tube mono-blocks.
Tubes are good, but I ended up with an interesting alternative harmonic precision. These are 110 wpc mono amps that are over 97% efficient. Incredible sound with my Revels. Very tubelike, but with advantages of solid state. Check out The levinson 400 series amps are great as well as conrad johnson.