I've heard both, though not in the same room. Both rooms were carefully (and expensively) treated. Both were mated with superb, though different, electronics (Salons: Sony SACD, ML 380S, ML 33H and VTL MB450's, Nordost IC and cables Eidolon: Spectral digital, pre, and power with MIT cables) IMO, the Salon had slightly more dense midrange textures (more weight in lower midrange?), better low frequency extension, and a better dynamic impact. However, I preferred the Eidolons for their superior transparency, holographic imaging, and huge soundstage. Granted, some of this could be attributed to the room or the electronics. I own Avalon Eclipse which I think combines much of the virtues of both the Salon and Eidolon, though with less low frequency extension and dynamic impact than either. Both of the above are great speakers. Jordan