Review: Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC Series 2 DA converter

Category: Digital

I was itching for more reports on the Alpha DAC Series 2 other than the Robert Harley review in TAS. Personally I get the feeling he is a little too much "in love" with all the BADA products and wanted some more first hand accounts, but they are few and far between. I had owned and loved the original Alpha DAC for 3-4 weeks (I am a gear whore) until I snatched up this Series 2 here on the 'Gon and so I was lucky enough to have them both at the same tame for comparison. This review is more of a comparison of the Series 1 vs Series 2 versions of the BADA.

Actually I am lazy and not very articulate, so I am just going to post my notes here. I find discussions more informative anyhow so I will do my best to answer any questions that may be posted.

- 1st impression softer, less leading edge definition, more "analog"... only "better" depending on taste.
- Wait, notes actually rounder, more depth - circle vs sphere.
- Imaging more solid.
- More detail, nuances, delicacy, air, openness, texture.
- Moderately wider soundstage.
- More liquid flow with saxophone.
- Sweeter highs.
- Hear snare drum head skin more as opposed to chains with S1, more pop.
- Cymbals more splashy with series 1, bit glassy in tone by comparison.
- Toms more resonance and body
- "Fat bass" referred to in S1 review better defined, tighter.
- Accompanying piano in jazz ensemble better delineated.
- Better balance among instruments in ensemble. Series 1 ride cymbal overpowers piano.
- Better sense of vibrato with strings during "normal play" (and not just with long sustained solo notes).
- Kravitz electric guitar esp. good - more creamy, dense grunginess - very distinct in soundstage.
- Voices more focus.
- Just more musical.

The Series 2 Alpha DAC retains very much the same basic tonal character of the Series 1 but at the same time is very much improved in the ways stated above. However, I must say it took me a little bit of listening to definitively prefer it to the Series 1. In the very beginning I thought it might have sounded too soft with less of a direct vibrancy about it, but it didn't take long to realize the Series 2 is just superior. One way to describe that main difference is that the images with the Series 1 are more carved out (but NOT hard or shrill!) whereas they are more "lit from within" with the Series 2. I think some may actually prefer the Series 1 but the strong majority would take the Series 2. The Series 1 is still a great DAC, but the Series 2 is significantly more refined.

When I first replaced my Bel Canto DAC3 with the BADA Series 1 I was quite surprised that they shared a lot in common, with the BADA being more refined and deeper tonally. If I had to put number to it, I would say the BADA was about 20-25% better than the DAC3. With the Series 2, I now put that number at about 45-50%.

If you can swing it, the upgrade will most likely be very much worth your while...

*** I must note that the Series 2 I purchased was slightly modified with the stock fuse having been replaced by an Audio Magic Liquid Nano fuse and some cork added to the chassis for dampening. I don't know how much this contributed to the sound of my Series 2, but I do know it sounds damn good!

Associated gear
- Zotac ZBox HD-ND22 PC running Windows 7 64-bit, 8 GB RAM, SSD
- Foobar2000 WASAPI and JPlay via JRiver Media Center playback software
- John Kenny JKSPDIF Mk3 low-jitter USB to SPDIF interace
- Stereolab Reference XV-Ultra BNC-BNC cable
- Von Gaylord Audio LAD-L2 preamp with Shuguang Treasure CV-181z tubes.
- Von Gaylord Audio Nirvana 110 WPC triode mode monoblock amplifiers with Shuguang Treasure CV-181z input tubes and Ruby 6550 output tubes
- Tannoy Turnberry SE speakers on spikes
- Von Gaylord Audio Chinchilla interconnects from DAC to pre and pre to amps
- Von Gaylord Audio Legend 7000s power cord to preamp
- Von Gaylord Audio Chinchilla power cords to amps
- Audience powerChord e power cord to DAC
- Audience AU24e speaker cables
- Audio Magic liquid nano fuse in DAC
- Cork dampening lining DAC chassis

Room dimensions: 17 x 15, 16-18 ft cathedral ceiling peaked at the center of the room between listening position and speakers.

Speakers ~3 ft out to the drivers, 2 ft from right wall, 5 ft from left wall.
Listening position up against rear of room with large window with thick blinds directly behind.

Similar products
- Berkeley Alpha Dac Series 1
- Calyx 24/192 DAC
- Bel Canto DAC3
- Bel Canto DAC2.5
- MHDT Havana

Others not worth mentioning.
I have owned in the past the original BelCanto dac 3, and then all of the upgrades to to it, now I have a Belcanto Dac 3.5 VBS mk 2 . I can tell you that the new low phase noise clocks they are now using are incredible. The best digital that I have heard. I have not however, heard the Berkeley, but I have heard some very expensive digital from wadia, Audio Research and Air that to my ear is not as good.
Anyone know how many fuses are in the BADA DAC series 2 and what their values are?
I noticed the series 2 took a lot longer to break in than the original. The original took about a week, the series 2 about a month.
My dealer loaned me a berkeley audo alpha DAC 2 when my W4S DSD DAC 2 needed repair. And that was all i needed - i bought the berkeley dac. A whole new ball game.

It's been over 4 weeks waiting for delivery - they are really slow.
